Los dias 1 al 4 de noviembre de 2012 se celebró en Madrid en encuentro europeo Agora99. En él activistas de toda europa debatieron y compartieron estrategias de lucha en torno los temas del encuentro: Deuda, derechos y democracia. Os dejamos los resúmenes de los talleres celebrados en el encuentro.
Documento final Agora99
From the 2th to the 4th of November, hundreds of people gathered in Madrid to exchange their experiences of struggles against austerity and for building common proposals to create a different Europe based on real participative democracy.
The decision to start the discussion between movements, people, groups and assemblies from different countries of Europe was taken after the mobilization of Blockupy Frankfurt in May 2012.
We chose to meet in Madrid because the experience of the 15M has been inspiring as a new model of social practice which has an open and involving process of decentralized democracy.
The meeting has been articulated on three axes which are: Democracy, Rights, and Debts.
We pointed out that those topics are the main terrains of mobilzation that keep us together and unite our perspectives of transformation.
One pillar of the meeting has been, as well, the democratization of communication tools which are inclusive and in which everyone can partecipate with the aim of creating a narrative from below which is independent of mainstream media.
We state that this meeting is just a starting point for building a process of networking, and to give a common framework through our collective intelligence and our local practices and struggles.
Agora99 http://99agora.net/
#A99Mapping http://titanpad.com/A99Mapping nada en el pad, nothing in the pad
#A99TwBs http://titanpad.com/A99TwBs nada en el pad, nothing in the pad
#A99Disobedience: Civil Desobedience/Desobediencia civil/
#A99NetAction : Collective Action in a Digital Era/ Acción colectiva en lal era digital
#A99Metropolitan :Spaces for Metropolitan Commoning / Espacios para los comunes metropolitanos
#A99EuroDemo: Citizens and European Democratization/ Citizens and European Democratization
#A99ICTs : Deliberation and ICTs/Deliberación y TICs
#A99Listening : Listening for commonality/Results of a militant investigation to record local discussions about transnational organization in Europe
#A99resisting Resisting the Heteropatriarchy / Resistiendo al heteropatriarcado
#A99DirectDemo Direct Democracy/Democracia directa
http://titanpad.com/A99DirectDemo nada en el pad, nothing in the pad
#A99RealDemo http://titanpad.com/A99RealDemo
#A99Beyond http://titanpad.com/A99Networks
contact: politicainternacional15m@gmail.com
EJE DEBT/DEUDA (contact: auditoriabcn@gmail.com)
#A99WontPay(I) http://titanpad.com/A99Austerity
#A99WontPay(II) http://titanpad.com/A99WontPay
#A99WontPay(III) http://titanpad.com/A99WontPay
Deuda: Documento final
Cast: http://auditoriaciudadana.net/2012/11/06/consensos-eje-deuda-agora99-nov12-no-debemos-no-pagamos/
Based on the work done, the common proposals that have emerged are:
En base al trabajo desarrollado las propuestas comunes que han surgido son las siguientes:
#A99University http://titanpad.com/A99University
#A99UrNotALoan http://titanpad.com/A99UrNotALoan
#A99Alternatives : Experiences of civil and economic disobedience, selfmanagement, alternatives/Experencias de desobediencia civil y económica, autogestión y alternativas
#A99Social New chart of social rights/Nueva carta de derechos sociales
#A99Commons: Commons / Bienes Comunes
#A99HouseRights Housing rights / Derecho a la Vivienda
http://titanpad.com/A99HouseRights nada en el pad nothing in the pad
#A99Shock Shock Doctrine on policy making/Doctrina del Shock en las políticas públicas
http://titanpad.com/A99shock nada en el pad, nothing in the pad
#A99Disarment Peace and disarment/Paz y desarme
contact: politicainternacional15m@gmail.com
#A99Racism: Racism and crisis in Europe/Racismo y crisis en Europa
#A99Justice Justice in a time of Crisis /Justicia en época de crisis
#A99Income: Basic Income in Europe / Renta Básica en Europa /
#A99Knowledge: Knowledge in conflct / Saberes en conflicto
Contropiano http://www.contropiano.org/it/esteri/item/12320
Agora99 – Un passo avanti per farne altri due, A partire dal 14 novembre #tomalahuelga
Dopo Agora99: riappropriamoci dello sciopero http://www.uninomade.org/dopo-agora99/
Report https://rhithinkyourfuture.wordpress.com/2012/11/08/madrid-dreams-becoming-reality/
Diagonal periódico: http://diagonalperiodico.net/Pasos-para-pensar-participar-y.html
entrevista a Angela Bolzano global project
Firenze global project e dichiarazione finale firenze 10+10 in italiano
A European GA http://spanishrevolution11.wordpress.com/2012/11/04/a-european-general-assembly/
European movements share strategies in Madrid ahead of general strike (8 nov 2012) by Ter García
Intro: http://www.connessioniprecarie.org/2012/12/03/14n-contestation-rage-and-moving-time/
Greece: http://www.connessioniprecarie.org/2012/12/03/delayed-reflections-from-greece-for-a-strike-that-wasnt/
Spain: http://www.connessioniprecarie.org/2012/12/03/madrid-complex-movements-of-a-strike-along-time/
Portugal: http://www.connessioniprecarie.org/2012/12/03/general-strike-and-mass-protest-in-portugal-and-the-limits-of-mobilization/
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